Sadly the printed bearings in the previous post do not work as well as one might like… I put it in a lathe at 200 rpm for 10 minutes and the PTFE bearing surfaces wore terribly badly. Sigh… However, we
Update on Printed Bearings

Sadly the printed bearings in the previous post do not work as well as one might like… I put it in a lathe at 200 rpm for 10 minutes and the PTFE bearing surfaces wore terribly badly. Sigh… However, we
My design for RepRap Lorenz uses printed sliding bearings with PTFE inserts running on stainless steel tubes: So I thought I’d try printing replacements for rotary journal or needle-roller bearings. Here’s the very first test. It is pretty rigid, and rotates freely. Obviously
The Simblee RFD77402 distance sensor (thanks to Victoria Stamps on Twitter for bringing it to my attention) is not very big and not very expensive (about $6). It is the little black chip on the green carrier: It is an