Select the relevant tab below for your machine

Assemble extruder drives as described in the basic build instructions here.

The second extruder drive can then be fitted to the X-axis. ormerod-two-drives-mounted

Assemble extruder drives as described in the basic build instructions here.

The second extruder drive can then be fitted to the frame. Fit this on the back of the frame, on the same side as the Duet, so it is diagonally opposite from the first. Picture to come

Assemble extruder drives as described in the basic build instructions here.

The second and third extruder drive can then be fitted to the frame. Mount them on the back of the machine; one on the same frame triangle as the PSU and Duet, but on the other side of the Z axis, and one mirroring the first extruder drive. Picture to come