RepRap is the technology on which Josef Průša built his company, Prusa Research. A while ago, in recognition of this, he very kindly gave Adrian a Prusa SL1 – one of his open-source stereolithography machines – and we have been
Prusa SL1

RepRap is the technology on which Josef Průša built his company, Prusa Research. A while ago, in recognition of this, he very kindly gave Adrian a Prusa SL1 – one of his open-source stereolithography machines – and we have been
RepRap (and other) FFF 3D printers have had heated beds to ensure prints don’t peel off for a long time. I think they were invented by Chris Palmer (Nophead) in 2010. They have also had magnetic beds to hold
Most recycling streams are not set up to process PLA, despite the fact that PLA is probably the most widely-used 3D printed material and is easy to recycle in a number of ways. This needs to change, and the 3D