We have updated our RepRap Fisher 3D Printer to use the new Duet 2 Maestro electronics, as well as implementing a number of other updates and design improvements. All our kits shipped from September 2019 will all have the Duet Maestro included. This means that Fisher now has super-quiet and smooth stepper drivers, and supports the latest RepRap Firmware. Of course, Fisher and the Maestro use the latest web interface for easy control of your RepRap from your PC, tablet, or phone. And you can update the firmware just by dragging and dropping the binary file – no more messing about with USB cables, erase and reset buttons.
Since receiving a test Duet 2 Maestro in June we have been using it in one of our in house Fisher printers to soak test it and make sure everything is compatible. We have also used this opportunity to update the Fisher build instructions implementing feedback from customers who have built their own Fisher kit.
We can also supply the Duet 2 Maestro on its own to allow you to upgrade, or to use if you are building your own 3D printer (or CNC machine – it supports that too). The Maestro drops into the base of all Fisher models, and all the wiring is compatible. To update from a Duet 0.6 you do have to change a couple of connectors which we will supply free of charge. If you would like us to make up looms with the updated connectors we can quote for this.
The latest Fisher also comes with a refillable MasterSpool, which means that you can buy refill filament from any of the increasing number of suppliers who are MasterSpool compatible, therefor reducing single-use spools.
Adrian will be travelling to Maryland in the US in October to attend the East Coast RepRap Festival which takes place 12th – 13th October. Further details on tickets and other community and industry attenders are available here.
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